Invoice requirements for Australian Sole Traders and small business
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A sole trader business structure is a person trading as the individual and is legally responsible for all aspects of the business. This includes any debts and losses, which can't be shared with others.
Invoice requirements for a sole trader are the same as any business or company operating in Australia.
If you make a taxable sale for $82.50 (including GST) or more, your GST-registered customers need a tax invoice from you. If your customer asks for an invoice, it must be issued within 28 days of the sale.
Yes, you can issue your invoices electronically (such as via email or third party program). It is not a requirement to issue an invoice in a paper format.
Did you know that when you use you can issue the invoice to your client electronically in PDF format. Our Simple Invoice format and processes make this easy to do. You can email your invoices to clients with just a few clicks and they will receive a link to the invoice, you also have the option of attaching the invoice in a PDF format.
Some of your items may be GST-free and some will be taxable. If your invoice contains both taxable and nontaxable items on the same invoice, it is required that you show which items are taxable and which items are not. Simple Invoices can handle this option.
Does Mr.Biller Simple Invoices include sole trader invoice templates? Yes, all of our invoice templates are suitable for Australian sole traders and small businesses .