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Is it worth the time registering your business with localstore?
Mr Biller recently sent a request to to have our company listed in their business directory. We were surprised to find that our request had been denied because they didn't think we were an Australian business. Mr Biller is in fact an Aussie business with our office located right here in Brisbane, Australia. They came to this conclusion because our business address is not shown on our website (in which localstore doesn't either!). We do not have a public address simply because we are an online invoicing company therefore all the work we do with people usually occurs over the phone or online. If our address is requested by any client we have no issue providing it. In addition to this, a couple of weeks ago we posted a story about the company OzSticker who were claiming to be an Australian business although they are actually based in Korea. Funnily enough you will find them in Localstore's directory that only accepts "Australian" businesses.

So when you are setting up terms and conditions for your company it is perhaps a good idea to ensure that your own business is compliant with these terms and that they apply to everyone not just a select few.

Areas of Expertise : Carpet Steam Cleaning (Hot Water Extraction)
Opening hours : 8am-4pm
Accreditation : n/a

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