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Early Stage innovation company in Australia.

Mr Biller is now elligible for early stage innovation investment.

Mr Biller is inviting people who are looking for Early Stage INnovation Investment.
Mr Biller is now eligible and ticking all the boxes for people who are looking at Early Stage Innovation Investment

If you have invested in a qualifying early-stage innovation company (ESIC) from the 1st of July 2016, you may be eligible for tax incentives.
These tax incentives for early-stage investors are contained in Division 360 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. The tax incentives provide eligible investors who purchase new shares in an ESIC with a:

Non-Refundable Carry Forward Tax Offset - equal to 20% of the amount paid for their qualifying investments. This is capped at a maximum tax offset amount of $200,000 for the investor and their affiliates combined in each income year.

Modified Capital Gains Tax (CGT) treatment - under which capital gains on qualifying shares that are continuously held for at least 12 months and less than ten years may be disregarded. Capital losses on shares held less than ten years must be disregarded.
The maximum tax offset cap of $200,000 doesn't limit the shares that qualify for the modified CGT treatment.

Investors that don't meet the 'sophisticated investor' test under the Corporations Act 2001 won't be eligible for any tax incentives if their total investment in qualifying ESICs in an income year is more than $50,000.

If you are looking at investing in Mr Biller, click on our contact us button on our website and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

For more information on this topic visit the link below -

Areas of Expertise : Early Stage Innovation Investment
Opening hours : n/a
Accreditation : Early Stage Innovation Investment

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